(518) 798-4437 NOT FOR RESIDENTIAL CALLERS - For Businesses who need Utility Management Services ccainfo@aboutsib.com
Energy and Telecom Cost Savings for Schools and Colleges | Students walking across campus | Cost Control Associates

Educational Institutions

Energy and Telecom Cost Savings for Schools and Colleges

Utility expenses and other overhead expenses make up a large portion of your budget. Whether it is for energy, waste removal, telecom, janitorial or other services, most of our clients found they were paying too much. You could be, too. Cost Control Associates has found millions of dollars in refunds and cost savings for clients.

Our Goal is to Help You Find Money

Every year more and more expenses are pushed onto the school districts, colleges and universities. You get caught in the squeeze between government decisions, election results that don’t always go your way and pressure to improve education with less and less funding. We can help by finding energy, telecom and other cost savings for schools and colleges or other educational institutions.

Educational Institutions | young children getting on school bus | Cost Control Associates

Some of our services are offered on a contingency fee basis. For example, there are no upfront costs to analyze your organization’s utility and telecom invoices. When we find savings, our fee is paid from a percentage of those findings. If we find nothing, you pay nothing.

To help you meet competitive bidding requirements, we have a contract in place with a leading purchasing cooperatives: NCPA. Most school districts have the ability to piggyback on contracts that are publicly solicited through a lead public agency.

Outsource Utility Bill Processing and Avoid Late Fees

Does your Accounts Payable staff spend a lot of time processing energy, waste removal and telecom bills, yet you still end up paying late fees and erroneous charges? Energy invoices are time-sensitive and that often leads to late payments. As a result, you rack up significant fees that quickly throw off your financial planning.

You might be paying too much! It is not the utility company’s job to make sure you are in the right rate categories. Sometimes behind-the-scenes rate changes at the utility can bump you into a new category. This means you may pay rates that are not the best option for your operational behavior and usage. If your billing staff lacks the expertise to stay on top of such changes (and most do), you will lose out. When you outsource utility bill processing to Cost Control Associates, you can kiss your worries good-bye! You get efficient, accurate invoice processing plus 24/7 access to a complete database that allows you to manage and report your costs. There are more than 80 standard and customized report options.

Our Utility Expense Management Solutions

Cost Control Associates is experienced in utility expense management solutions for multi-site organizations, and we can help you get the most from your service providers. Our cost audit services and other solutions will help you:

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