(518) 798-4437 NOT FOR RESIDENTIAL CALLERS - For Businesses who need Utility Management Services ccainfo@aboutsib.com

Why Choose Us?

At Cost Control Associates, helping organizations manage their utility costs is our sole focus. Because we do this day in and day out, we have the well-rounded expertise and experience to do it very well. The average tenure of our analysts is 14 years, and they’ve seen it all.

Your needs guide our every move as we save you time and help you pay less for the utilities you need to run your operations. We don’t sell equipment or software, and we are not allied with any utility providers or equipment suppliers.

When looking for a utility bill management consultant, the natural inclination is to think of cost alone. What you really need to consider is that you are about to enter into a long-term relationship. It’s important to find the right partner. It is also important to look at the skills and experience of the staff who will support you.

Here are three reasons why you should talk to Cost Control Associates about helping your organization.

1. Get a Dedicated Partner

Cost Control Associates builds the kind of client relationship that makes us want to help, even when a problem falls outside the scope of our contracted work. For instance, one of our clients spent months wrangling with their utility company to stop a double-billing issue. Why Choose Us | 2 business men talking while looking at PC screen | Cost Control AssociatesOur client knew it was being billed twice but couldn’t get the utility to do anything about it.

Cost Control Associates had the experience to push the issue forward and following up until it was fixed. That’s because we are motivated to help our clients, even if we don’t get paid for it. We look out for you, no matter what.

“Our previous energy bill payer had assured us they were providing a constant close review of our rates and overall services. Cost Control Associates made a big impression when they found energy cost savings that added up to six figures!” — Big Box Retailer (Read the story.)

2. Pay Less for Utilities

While doing a secondary review for a grocery chain that already had a bill-pay company, Cost Control Associates noticed a meter-multiplier issue for one of their municipal accounts. We worked with the utility to fix the situation and saved our new client about $16,000.

This is what we do. We use our industry expertise, attention to detail and thoroughness to find you savings–and we do it better and with more care than other utility bill management teams.

“We had already made good progress in tracking and controlling energy costs on our own, so we questioned whether Cost Control Associates could do any better. The $2.5 million in annual savings that they found was quite an answer!” — National Telecom Carrier (Read the story.)

3. Hire the Experts

Why Choose Cost Control Associates for Your Utility Expense Management Rather than forcing clients into cookie-cutter solutions, we customize our services to meet your needs. You get highly personalized service and attention. We have extensive rate and market knowledge. We know the ins and outs of working with utility companies, and we track and organize your data so it is easily accessible, understandable, accurate and reliable.

You deserve the best. If a utility company customer service rep tells you something isn’t possible, we make a call on your behalf and escalate the problem until it is resolved. Our extensive industry knowledge, skills, experience and connections enable quick problem resolution–and always with your best interests in mind.

“We knew the task of analyzing our entire system of utility costs was a daunting one. $1.1 million in refunds and cost savings proved that Cost Control Associates was up to the job.” — City of Cleveland (Read the story.)

Rest Easy 

Cost Control Associates provides expert energy, waste removal and telecommunications utility consulting services. We pride ourselves on attaining the greatest results for our clients while providing exceptional customer service and satisfaction.

Now, isn’t that what you want from your utility bill management consultant–the peace of mind to know the job will be done to your satisfaction?

Here’s what our clients are saying about Cost Control Associates.
Find out more about how we can help you. Contact us!

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