Sneakers Retailer Supports U.S. Growth Strategy with $319,000 Savings on Waste Management and Utilities
Client As a leading sneaker and urban apparel retailer in the U.S. and Europe, SNIPES offers products from top brands like Nike, Jordan, Adidas, 21 Savage, and DJ Kahled, as well as its own SNIPES line. The German-based, multichannel retailer entered the U.S....
Railroad Operator Outsources Utility Bill Pay Services
Client Aspiring to be one of the fastest-growing, best-performing, and most customer-focused transportation providers in North America, this cross-border railroad is a pioneer in the freight rail industry. The company has a long history of innovating, as the...
Case Study: Global Satellite Services Business Takes First Steps Toward Decarbonization
Client The largest and most trusted integrated satellite and terrestrial network in the world, connecting people, businesses, and communities. With 15 locations and 1,790 employees, the satellite management company serves governments, corporations, and billions...
What Every Company Needs to Know About California’s New Emissions-Reporting Law
Spoiler Alert: You don’t need to be a public company headquartered in the Golden State for the new regulations to apply to you. It’s not surprising that California is the first state to pass climate reporting legislation that will require companies to publicly...
4 Reasons to Lock in Your Long-Term Natural Gas Prices Right Now
After skyrocketing for most of the past year and a half, natural gas prices are finally headed in the other direction. The mildest January and February in 43 years, coupled with a reduction in natural gas exports and strong production of hydro and wind, has shifted...
Case Study: California Grocery Chain Locks in $3.5 Million Gas Price Reduction
California grocery chain uses CCA energy procurement services to overcome gas price volatility and lock in a 76% price reduction worth $3.5m.

Case Study: Multi-Site Restaurant Chain Saves $700,000 on Energy Utilities
Restaurant with 40 sit-down stores and stadium concession stands renegotiates 6 energy agreements to lock in best-in-class pricing.