4 Reasons to Lock in Your Long-Term Natural Gas Prices Right Now
After skyrocketing for most of the past year and a half, natural gas prices are finally headed in the other direction. The mildest January and February in 43 years, coupled with a reduction in natural gas exports and strong production of hydro and wind, has shifted...
Case Study: Multi-Site Restaurant Chain Saves $700,000 on Energy Utilities
Restaurant with 40 sit-down stores and stadium concession stands renegotiates 6 energy agreements to lock in best-in-class pricing.

Concerned About Inflation? 5 Ways to Optimize Your Energy Spend
Concerned About Inflation? 5 Ways to Optimize Your Energy Spend There’s never a bad time to save money. No one likes to pay more than they need to, but rising interest rates and inflation are shining an even brighter spotlight on CFOs to spend wisely and closely...
What Businesses Can Do About Rising Inflation
What Businesses Can Do About Rising Inflation | Future Trends Industry News Overhead Expenses Standards and Best Practices Rising inflation is being watched all over the world right now, though the U.S. often leads the way, because it has abundant resources, a...
6 Current Disruptive Energy Trends
6 Current Disruptive Energy Trends | Energy Energy Procurement Future Trends Industry News So many different things affect rising energy prices: Supply, demand, storage, weather, global markets, regulatory changes and more. For the past two or three years, tracking...
Introduction to Blockchain for Businesses
Introduction to Blockchain for Businesses | Future Trends Industry News Overhead Expenses Standards and Best Practices It’s important to know what blockchain technology is and how it might affect your business. Within two or three years, your vendors may implement...